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ministry of supply artinya

contoh kalimat "ministry of supply"
  • The Ministry of Supply designation was ASMa (Armstrong Siddeley Mamba).
    Ministry of Supply penunjukan adalah ASM (Armstrong Siddeley Mamba) .
  • Do you want me to do this as well as my job at the Ministry of Supply?
    Apa kau ingin saya yg di Departemen Supply melakukan ini juga?
  • Although the engine was built and underwent a development program, the BE.25 Orion project was cancelled in 1958 by the British Ministry of Supply.
    Meskipun mesin dibangun dan menjalani program pengembangan, proyek BE.25 Orion dibatalkan pada tahun 1958 oleh Departemen British Supply.
  • The Armstrong Siddeley Double Mamba, Ministry of Supply (MoS) designation ASMD.n, is a turboprop engine design developed in the late 1940s of around 3,000–4,000 hp (2,500–3,000 kW).
    Armstrong Siddeley Double Mamba adalah desain mesin turboprop dikembangkan pada akhir 1940-an dari sekitar 3,000-4,000 hp (kW 2.500-3.000).
  • At the age of 18, having developed an interest in rocketry, Mansfield took up a job with the Rocket Propulsion Department of the Ministry of Supply in Westcott, Buckinghamshire.
    Pada usia 18, setelah mengembangkan minat dalam bidang peroketan, Mansfield bekerja di Departemen Tenaga Penggerak Roket Kementerian Perbekalan di Westcott, Buckinghamshire.
  • Following 156 hours of ground runs and the receipt of a test certificate from the Ministry of Supply on 28 January 1947, two Theseus engines were fitted in the outer positions of a four-engined Avro Lincoln for air tests.
    Setelah 156 jam tanah berjalan dan penerimaan sertifikat uji dari Departemen Supply di 28 Januari 1947, dua mesin Theseus yang dipasang di posisi luar empat bermesin Avro Lincoln untuk tes udara.